Psychology Major


Major Requirements

35-37 credits

Total does not include prerequisite courses for the math requirement.

Required Introductory and Survey Courses (18 credits for major)

MAT-125Data Analysis and Statistics

3 credits


MAT-212Multiple Regression Analysis

3 credits


PSY-100General Psychology

3 credits

PSY-112Introduction to Psychological Science

3 credits

PSY-201Developmental Psychology

3 credits

PSY-202Biological Psychology

3 credits

PSY-203Cognitive Psychology

3 credits

PSY-206Social Psychology

3 credits

The credits for the math requirement (MAT-125 or MAT-212) are counted in the Professional Foundations minor.

Advanced Topical Courses (6 credits)

Complete two courses.

PSY-347Psychology in Science Fiction

3 credits

PSY-350Psychological Counseling

3 credits

PSY-360Environmental Psychology

3 credits

PSY-364Community Psychology

3 credits

PSY-370Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine

3 credits

PSY-400Advanced Topics in Psychology

3 credits

PSY-404Abnormal Psychology

3 credits

PSY-407Legal Psychology

3 credits

PSY-412Infants, Health, and Society

3 credits

PSY-415Adolescent Development

3 credits

PSY-425Multicultural Psychology

3 credits

Advanced Required Courses (8 credits)

PSY-312Research Design & Analysis I

3 credits

PSY-312LResearch Design and Analysis I Lab

1 credit

PSY-395Professional Pathways in Psychology

1 credit

PSY-485Capstone Seminar

3 credits

Psychology majors should plan PSY-312, PSY-312L, and PSY-395 for their junior year and PSY-485 for their graduating year.

Capstone Thesis (3-5 credits)

Complete one option.

PSY-486Research Thesis

3 credits


HON-499Departmental Honors

1-6 credits



1-6 credits

PSY-487Internship Thesis

1 credit

The psychology capstone thesis requirement can be fulfilled through a student-designed research project conducted in PSY-486 Research Thesis or, for invited students, HON-499 Departmental Honors (5 credits, usually 1 in fall, 1 in winter, 3 in spring).

Alternatively, psychology majors may use an INT-497 internship, with PSY-487 Internship Thesis, to fulfill the psychology capstone thesis requirement if the student (1) reviews the internship plan and learning outcomes with their psychology advisor prior to registering for INT-497 and PSY-487, (2) completes 2 credits of INT-497 during the graduating year (as defined by the Graduation Application), and (3) completes PSY-487 Internship Thesis, 1 credit, during the graduating year. Students should thoroughly discuss the optimal scheduling for INT-497 and PSY-487 with their psychology advisor. Students with a psychology double major and planning for an internship are encouraged to select an internship that fulfills the requirements for both majors.


Upon successful completion of this major, students will be able to:

1) Engage in scientific inquiry and critical thinking through psychological research;

2) Describe key concepts, themes, and applications of psychology's content domains;

3) Demonstrate effective writing and presentation skills;

4) Practice ethical and social responsibility to evaluate psychological phenomena in a diverse world; and

5) Demonstrate teamwork and self-regulation capacities that support using psychological skills to sustain growth during college and beyond.