High Impact Practices (HIP)

The College of Idaho offers students a deep and expansive intellectual grounding in all kinds of humanistic inquiry—that’s the traditional liberal arts education we are so well-known for. We couple that with:

  • An opportunity to use and apply that liberal arts foundation outside the confines of the traditional classroom; but still
  • Inside the purview of faculty or expert tutelage, guiding students’ implementation of classroom learning in demanding and meaningful practical experiences.

So, at the College, a high impact practice is a distinctive, programmatic and time-intensive endeavor that is available to a broad range of students regardless of major/minor focus.  Examples include: 

  • Travel abroad programs led by College faculty/experts; 
  • In-depth, collaborative scholarly research among College faculty and students;
  • The College’s outdoor education program that emphasizes leadership development, environmental awareness, and stewardship; and
  • Field-based experiential learning opportunities either on-campus or off-campus with community partners and businesses, which includes our work program, our service learning program, and our internship program.

For more information, contact hip@collegeofidaho.edu.