Geoscience and Geography Specialization

The Geoscience and Geography specialization provides preparation for careers in fields related to geomorphology or physical geography and for graduate study in such fields as the geosciences, geospatial studies, water resources, and related fields. The specialization is designed for students majoring in Environmental Studies but is available to all students.


23-24 credits

CHE-141General Chemistry I

3 credits

CHE-141LGeneral Chemistry Laboratory I

1 credit


PHY-231General Physics I

3 credits

PHY-231LGeneral Physics I Lab

1 credit


PHY-271Analytical Physics I

3 credits

PHY-271LAnalytical Physics I Lab

1 credit


ENV-101Physical Geology

3 credits

ENV-101LPhysical Geology Lab

1 credit

ENV-150Physical Geography

3 credits

ENV-151Introduction to Human Geography

3 credits


3 credits

ENV-310LGeomorphology Laboratory

1 credit


ENV-330Working Landscapes

3 credits


ENV-355Urban Geography

3 credits


ENV-357Making Maps: Creative Cartography

3 credits


ENV-296Research Practicum

2-3 credits


ENV-496Advanced Research Practicum

3 credits

Recommended for graduate study: MAT-150 (4 credits) and a second semester of CHE or PHY sequence (4 credits).