Environmental Studies Major


Ours is an age when human and non-human well-being depend on the reframing of conventional questions and on developing ourselves as agents of intellectual change. Through the Environmental Studies program, we seek to understand the complex and influential interactions between the conceptual and the material aspects of human-environment relations. Students majoring in Environmental Studies and planning to go on to professional or graduate school are advised to pursue a specialization (see below) or double major in an accompanying, complementary field of study, such as conservation biology, geography and geoscience, history, law, philosophy, international political economy, or political economy. Consult with your ENV major advisor to chart the best course for you and your hopes toward the future. Students majoring in Environmental Studies may not minor in Environmental Humanities or Environmental Science.

Major Requirements

42 credits

Quantitative Skills (3 credits)

Complete one course.
MAT-125Data Analysis and Statistics

3 credits

MAT-212Multiple Regression Analysis

3 credits

 The credits for the math requirement (MAT-125 or MAT-212) are counted in the Professional Foundations minor.

Introduction to Environmental Interdisciplinarity (3 credits)

Complete one course (or both IND-305.1 and IND-305.2).

ENV-201Knowing Birds

3 credits

ENV-202Knowing Land

3 credits

ENV-203Knowing Water

3 credits

IND-305.1Winter Wilderness Experience

2 credits

IND-305.2Winter Wilderness Experience

4 credits

The sequence of IND-305.1 and IND-305.2 Winter Experience counts as 3 credits toward the major.

Foundations: Land, Systems, Humanity (18 credits)

BIO-140Idaho Natural History

3 credits

BIO-140LIdaho Natural History Lab

1 credit

BIO-203Ecology, Evolution and Diversity

3 credits

BIO-203LEcology Evolution and Diversity Lab

1 credit

ENG-239Visions of Environment

3 credits

ENV-151Introduction to Human Geography

3 credits

ENV-161Environmental Systems Science

3 credits

ENV-161LEnvironmental Systems Science Lab

1 credit

Bridging the Disciplines: Humanities Perspectives (3 credits)

Complete one course.
ENV-305Natural History and Ethics at the Museum

3 credits

PHI-340Environmental Philosophy

3 credits

REL-348Religion and Science

3 credits

Bridging the Disciplines: Social Science Perspectives (3 credits)

Complete one course.
ENV-330Working Landscapes

3 credits

ENV-355Urban Geography

3 credits

ENV-357Making Maps: Creative Cartography

3 credits

POE-215Power and Policy

3 credits

POE-317Capitalism and Socialism

3 credits

PSY-360Environmental Psychology

3 credits

Applications: Land, Systems, Humanity (12 credits)

Complete 12 credits from the courses below. Courses may not overlap with courses selected above.
BIO-306Conservation Biology

3 credits

ENV-320Earth's Dynamic Climate System

3 credits

ENV-350Introduction to Geographic Information Systems (GIS)

2 credits

ENV-350LIntroduction to Geographic Information Systems Lab

1 credit


ENV-330Working Landscapes

3 credits


ENV-355Urban Geography

3 credits

Senior Thesis Capstone Experience (3 credits)

ENV-402Senior Capstone

3 credits


Upon successful completion of this major, students will be able to:

1)  Analyze environmental and climate data through mathematical and computational problem-solving techniques;

2)  Situate in historical and cultural contexts the roles of scientific and mathematical inquiry as they relate to environmental ideas and values;

3)  Communicate in written and oral form the value of interdisciplinary perspectives on environmental data and ideas;

4)  Engage imagination as a tool to develop questions, test ideas, and propose interdisciplinary solutions concerning environmental challenges; and

5)  Collaborate with members of the general public through independent research, an internship, study away/abroad, or service learning in order to learn and build community around environmental understandings.