Environmental Science Minor


Environmental Science is an interdisciplinary academic field that focuses on application of fundamental concepts and methods from the physical, chemical, and biological sciences to the study of the natural environment. The Environmental Science minor provides students with a framework for developing a scientific understanding of Earth’s natural systems and their interconnections with human society. A minor in Environmental Science allows students from diverse backgrounds to pursue interests in interdisciplinary applied natural sciences.

Students whose major is not Environmental Studies might consider pursuing an Environmental Humanities minor to complement the Environmental Science minor. Students majoring in Environmental Studies may not minor in Environmental Science. Students may not minor in either Environmental Science and Geosciences.

Minor Requirements

15-19 credits

Quantitative Skills (3 credits)

Complete one course.

MAT-125Data Analysis and Statistics

3 credits

MAT-212Multiple Regression Analysis

3 credits

The credits for the math requirement (MAT-125 or MAT-212) are counted in the Professional Foundations minor.

Introduction to Environmental Interdisciplinarity (3 credits)

Complete one course.

ENV-201Knowing Birds

3 credits

ENV-202Knowing Land

3 credits

ENV-203Knowing Water

3 credits

Introduction to Environmental Science (4 credits)

ENV-161Environmental Systems Science

3 credits

ENV-161LEnvironmental Systems Science Lab

1 credit

Applications: Climate, Ecology, Systematics (5-8 credits)

Complete two courses (including the corresponding lab or prep).

BIO-203Ecology, Evolution and Diversity

3 credits

BIO-203LEcology Evolution and Diversity Lab

1 credit

BIO-306Conservation Biology

3 credits

BIO-317Stream Ecology

3 credits

BIO-317LStream Ecology Lab

1 credit


3 credits

BIO-319LIchthyology Lab

1 credit

BIO-322.1Field Botany

3 credits

BIO-322LField Botany Lab

1 credit

BIO-326Coastal Marine Ecology

4 credits

BIO-326LCoastal Marine Ecology Lab

1 credit


3 credits

BIO-340LZoology Laboratory

1 credit


3 credits

BIO-345LEcology Lab

1 credit

BIO-346.1Field Biology Preparation

2 credits

BIO-346Field Biology

4 credits

ENV-296Research Practicum

2-3 credits


3 credits

ENV-310LGeomorphology Laboratory

1 credit

ENV-320Earth's Dynamic Climate System

3 credits

ENV-350Introduction to Geographic Information Systems (GIS)

2 credits

ENV-350LIntroduction to Geographic Information Systems Lab

1 credit

ENV-496Advanced Research Practicum

3 credits

BIO-203 is a prerequisite for all listed 300-level BIO courses.

Earth Science (3-4 credits)

Complete one course and any corresponding lab. 

BIO-140Idaho Natural History

3 credits

BIO-140LIdaho Natural History Lab

1 credit

ENV-101Physical Geology

3 credits

ENV-101LPhysical Geology Lab

1 credit

ENV-150Physical Geography

3 credits


Upon successful completion of this minor, students will be able to:

1) Describe the Earth’s natural systems, their interaction, and how they are affected by anthropogenic resource use;

2) Apply scientific reasoning to develop and test environmental questions through the principles and techniques of conducting environmental fieldwork;

3) Identify the roles of scientific and mathematical inquiry and knowledge in environmental decision making; and

4) Describe the role of biodiversity in maintaining ecosystem services.