Biology Teaching Major
Students who wish to earn teacher certification for secondary grades 6-12 must complete the Biology Teaching major. This major fulfills the Social Sciences and History (SSH) Peak and the Natural Sciences and Math (NSM) Peak. In addition, students must complete their Humanities and Fine Arts (HFA) Peak and their Professional Foundations (PFE) Peak.
Students must maintain a minimum 2.75 cumulative GPA to qualify for licensure in the state of Idaho. Before student teaching, students must pass their required Praxis exams.
Students should consult with Education Department faculty early in their program to ensure they are on a proper pathway toward licensure.
Major Requirements
81 to 85 credits
Complete 45 credits in biology and related content, in addition to education coursework. Consult Education Department for verification.
Biology Core (19 credits)
BIO-201 | Molecules to Cells | 3 credits |
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BIO-201L | Molecules to Cells Lab | 1 credit |
| or | |
BIO-210L | Molecules to Cells Research-Based Lab | 1 credit |
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BIO-202 | Organismal Biology | 3 credits |
BIO-202L | Organismal Biology Lab | 1 credit |
BIO-203 | Ecology, Evolution and Diversity | 3 credits |
BIO-203L | Ecology Evolution and Diversity Lab | 1 credit |
BIO-316 | Genetics | 3 credits |
BIO-330 | Cell Biology | 3 credits |
BIO-330L | Cell Biology Lab | 1 credit |
Chemistry, Math, and Physics (8 credits for major)
The credits for the math requirement (MAT-125 or MAT-212) are counted in the Professional Foundations minor.
CHE-141 | General Chemistry I | 3 credits |
CHE-141L | General Chemistry Laboratory I | 1 credit |
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MAT-125 | Data Analysis and Statistics | 3 credits |
| or | |
MAT-212 | Multiple Regression Analysis | 3 credits |
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PHY-231 | General Physics I | 3 credits |
PHY-231L | General Physics I Lab | 1 credit |
| or | |
PHY-271 | Analytical Physics I | 3 credits |
PHY-271L | Analytical Physics I Lab | 1 credit |
Physiology (4 credits)
Complete one physiology course and its corresponding lab.
Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics (4-6 credits)
Complete 4-6 credits (including lab or prep).
Biology Capstone (3 credits)
Complete the capstone seminar and comprehensive examination.
BIO-450 | Biology Capstone Seminar | 3 credits |
BIO-499 | Senior Comprehensive Examination | 0 credit |
Upper-Division Biology Electives (2-4 credits)
Complete additional 300- or 400-level courses to total at least 34 credits of biology coursework, including CHE-412 / CHE-412L .
| 300- or 400-level BIO crswrk, incl CHE-412/L | 2-4 credits |
Individual/independent coursework and experiences (BIO-396, BIO-496, or INT-497) cannot be used to fulfill these 34 credits.
Secondary Education Core (25 credits)
Complete all of the following:
EDU-202 | Introduction to Teaching | 3 credits |
EDU-301 | Foundations of Schooling | 3 credits |
EDU-305 | Literacy in Content Areas | 4 credits |
EDU-306 | Writing Process and Assessment | 3 credits |
EDU-430 | Teaching in a Diverse Society | 3 credits |
EDU-441 | Curriculum and Instruction | 3 credits |
EDU-442 | Teaching Exceptional Children | 3 credits |
PSY-201 | Developmental Psychology | 3 credits |
Student Teaching (16 credits)
Complete a student-teaching placement in a local school setting.
EDU-471 | Instructional Methods and Assessment | 3 credits |
EDU-488 | Secondary Student Teaching | 12 credits |
EDU-489 | Student Teaching Seminar | 1 credit |
Recommended Electives
The following electives are recommended:
BIO-396 | Biology Research | 1-3 credits |
BIO-496 | Biology Research | 1-3 credits |
CHE-142 | General Chemistry II | 3 credits |
CHE-142L | General Chemistry Laboratory II | 1 credit |
CHE-301 | Organic Chemistry I | 3 credits |
CHE-301L | Organic Chemistry I Lab | 1 credit |
CHE-302 | Organic Chemistry II | 3 credits |
CHE-302L | Organic Chemistry II Lab | 1 credit |
MAT-150 | Applied Calculus: A Modeling Approach | 4 credits |
MAT-175 | Single Variable Calculus | 4 credits |
MAT-212 | Multiple Regression Analysis | 3 credits |
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PHY-232 | General Physics II | 3 credits |
PHY-232L | General Physics II Lab | 1 credit |
| or | |
PHY-272 | Analytical Physics II | 3 credits |
PHY-272L | Analytical Physics II Lab | 1 credit |