Discriminatory and Bias-Related Harassment

Harassment constitutes a form of discrimination that is prohibited by University policy as well as the law. Bastyr University condemns and will not tolerate discriminatory harassment against any student, visitor or guest on the basis of any status protected by policy or law. When harassment rises to the level of creating a hostile environment, the University may also impose sanctions on the harasser through application of the Equity Resolution Process. Bastyr University’s harassment policy explicitly prohibits any form of harassment, defined as unwelcome conduct on the basis of actual or perceived membership in a protected class, by any member or group of the community.

A hostile environment may be created by harassing verbal, written, graphic, or physical conduct that is severe or persistent and objectively offensive such that it interferes with, limits or denies the ability of an individual to participate in or benefit from educational programs, services or activities.

The University reserves the right to address offensive conduct and/or harassment that 

  1. does not rise to the level of creating a hostile environment, or
  2. that is of a generic nature not on the basis of a protected status.

 Addressing such behaviors may not result in the imposition of discipline under University policy, but will be addressed through respectful confrontation, remedial actions, education and/or effective conflict resolution mechanisms. For assistance with conflict resolution techniques, students should contact the Vice President for Student Affairs.