Weapons Policy

All faculty, staff, temporary staff, contractors, students, and visitors to Bastyr University campus including clinic sites are strictly prohibited from possessing concealed or unconcealed firearms, ammunition for any caliber of firearm, or explosives on the premises of the University without the explicit advance authorization of the University, regardless of whether a federal or state license to possess the same has been issued to the possessor. This policy does not apply to pepper spray. This policy will be posted in all Bastyr students, faculty, and staff handbooks. The process to request an exception to this policy is listed below. Individuals who are found to be in violation of this policy are subject to disciplinary action, up to
and including termination.

Process to Request Exception to Restricting Firearms on Campus

Purpose: The purpose of this Directive is to establish a process for requesting an exception to the policy is restricting firearms on Bastyr University campus.

Background: The University has, in accordance with a process established under the Washington and California Code adopted a policy restricting the possession of firearms on campus. The policy also establishes a process for seeking permission to carry a firearm on campus.


  • Bastyr policy restricts the possession of a firearms (does not apply to pepper spray) on campus but also provides a process for requesting an exception to this restriction.
  • This Directive provides the process to request an exception to the policy restricting firearms on Bastyr campus.
  • Limitations: This Directive is only applicable to properties controlled by the University,
  • Statement of authority within the University: The responsibility for reviewing and approving requests for exceptions to the weapons policy Bastyr University President.


  • The individual makes a request to carry a weapon in writing to the University President's office with the
    following requirements:
    • Written Request must include the reason for needing to carry the weapon on campus.
    • The requestor is asking to carry a concealed pistol; they must provide a copy of the current valid concealed pistol permit license and copy of the current valid state driver's license.
  • The President's office may consult with Chief of Police of the appropriate city the campus is located as well as the University's Legal Counsel.
  • The President may meet with the appropriate Vice Presidents to review the Request. Student requests are reviewed with the Vice President of Student Affairs: faculty requests are evaluated by the Sr. Vice President and Provost, and staff requests are reviewed by the AVP of Human Resources and the appropriate department Vice President.
  • The President's office will respond to the requester in writing; a copy of the letter is kept on file in the President's office, including a copy of the requestor's current valid concealed pistol permit license and copy of the current valid state driver's license.
  • Submission of Request for exemption does not guarantee approval of exception.