Health, Injury and Insurance

Bastyr students are responsible for maintaining their health both on a daily basis and as a result of injury or illness. The Student Health Plan is a wellness plan through the Bastyr Center for Natural Health in Seattle, and the Bastyr University Clinic in San Diego. It is not an insurance plan, so students are encouraged to individually obtain health insurance to cover themselves while students at the University.
The University does not carry insurance on student health or property. Bastyr is not responsible for illness, injury or other loss suffered by a student while participating in university-related activities, whether the activities occur on or off-campus. Students assume the risk of illness, injury or other loss that results from participation in any on or off-campus event, including any injury that happens during travel to or from the activities. Bastyr is not responsible for providing transportation for students to clinic shifts, internships, jobs, social events, volunteer service activities, or any other off-campus activity. Students are responsible for making their own travel arrangements and for all associated costs and risks.