Alcohol and Illicit Drugs Policy - Health Risks and Sanctions

In keeping with the mission of the University, Bastyr is committed to providing an environment that is safe and fosters excellence in learning for its students and in work performance for all of its employees. Therefore, the misuse and illegal use, possession, transportation, distribution, manufacture, or sale of alcohol and illicit drugs is not permitted on property owned or controlled by the University, or while representing the University on business or in other sponsored activity. The use of alcohol on University owned or controlled property or at events associated with Bastyr programs is restricted to those of legal drinking age. Students and employees may not report to class, clinic or their employment if they are impaired by alcohol or illicit drugs.
Possession and consumption of alcoholic beverages are permitted on campus or clinic grounds, only when a state (WA or CA as appropriate) alcohol permit has been obtained and prior approval has been received from the Dean of Stu-dents or Campus Manager.
Students living on campus in Kenmore may consume alcohol in their rooms if they are of legal drinking age. At no time may underage students possess or consume alcohol, and at no time may alcohol be consumed in public areas.
Bastyr University is committed to providing an environment for teaching and learning that is not impeded by the presence of illicit drugs or alcohol. In compliance with the Federal Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments of 1989, all students and employees of the University are notified of the following:

  • The unlawful possession, use and distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol on the University campuses or during University-sponsored events or activities are prohibited.
  • Students and employees who are found to be in violation of this prohibition may be subject to arrest and conviction under the applicable criminal laws of local municipalities, the state or the United States. Conviction can result in sanctions including probation, fines and imprisonment.
  • Students who are found to be in violation of this stated prohibition are subject to discipline in accordance with the student code of conduct. The University reserves the right to dismiss any student whose sub-stance abuse continues and/or who refuses assessment and/or treatment. Confidentiality will be respected. Other sanctions may include disciplinary probation.

The state of Washington enacted a law in 2012 allowing possession of small amounts of marijuana. The state of California enacted a similar law in 2016. However, marijuana possession and use, of any quantity, continues to be against policy and so not allowed at any Bastyr University campus. As with nearly every other college or university, Bastyr is a recipient of federal funds by way of financial aid, grants, etc. Given this, we are required to enforce federal policy, even if it is at odds with state laws. The specific federal policies involved are the Safe & Drug Free Schools and Communities Act and the Drug-Free Workplace Act. A student found in violation on campus, or ticketed for a DUI/marijuana off campus, will lose their federal financial aid.
Employees who are found to be in violation of this stated prohibition are subject to discipline in accordance with the applicable University employment rules and procedures, up to and including termination. Please refer to the Employee Personnel Handbook.