
On campus, some individuals may maintain confidentiality – meaning they are not required to report actual or suspected discrimination or harassment to appropriate university officials – thereby offering options and advice without any obligation to inform an outside agency or campus official unless a reporting party has requested information to be shared. Other resources exist for reporting parties to report crimes and policy violations and these resources will take action when an incident is reported to them. The following describes the reporting options at Bastyr University:

Confidential Reporting

If a reporting party would like the details of an incident to be kept confidential, the reporting party may speak with:
  • On-campus licensed professional counselors and staff, not including student counselors or clinicians
  • Off-campus (non-employees):
    • Licensed professional counselors
    • Local rape crisis counselors
    • Domestic violence resources 
    • Local or state assistance agencies 
    • Clergy/Chaplains
All of the above-listed individuals will maintain confidentiality except in extreme cases of immediacy of threat or danger or abuse of a minor. University employees listed above will submit anonymous statistical information for Clery Act purposes unless they believe it would be harmful to their client, patient or parishioner.