Course Catalog

SW 448 Social Work Practice With Sexual and Gen der Minorities

This course is designed to help students develop foundational knowledge and skills for social work practice with sexual and gender minority populations. Students will utilize a multi-dimensional framework to critically analyze power, privilege, and oppression relative to LGBTQ+ populations. Grounded in a social justice perspective, the first few weeks of the course are designed to help students gain an understanding of relevant ethical principles and dilemmas; models of identity development across race, class, ethnicity, socioeconomic class, and historical period; health disparities and resilience; history of social work discourse related to LGBTQ+ populations; and basic principles for affirmative social work practice. Students will develop knowledge about the mutual influence of individuals, families, and institutional factors, including social policies and cultural factors. Students will learn basic skills for competent practice with LGBTQ+ populations over the life course, with a particular focus on engagement, assessment, and intervention. Specific areas of practice will be explored, including intimate partner violence, suicide risk, HIV/AIDS, and substance use disorders. Students will critically examine the values of the social work profession and reflect on their personal values for the purpose of raising self awareness and examining personal biases related to heterosexism, heteronormativity, transphobia, and cisnormativity.



