Course Catalog

SW 418 Crisis Intervention With Children and Adolescents

This course examines crisis intervention and treatment approaches for children and adolescents, with a particular emphasis on vulnerable populations. Since crisis intervention is an integral part of social work practice, this course aims to provide students with knowledge of contributing factors, theories and practice models which best inform crisis intervention in social work with children and adolescents. Students will use a systems-based framework in their analysis of crisis situations and become familiar with the skills necessary to implement effective techniques with children and adolescents. The course will provide students with the opportunity to apply critical thinking skills when working with crises, as well as examine policy issues, ethical issues, and the intersectionality of oppression and the implications of oppression and discrimination on crisis experiences and interventions. Further, students will develop an awareness of the importance of engaging in self-care practices that will support their well-being when working with crises.



