Electronic Mail and Voice Messaging

Only MCC faculty, staff, students, and other persons who have received permission from the appropriate College authority are authorized users of the College's electronic mail and voice messaging systems and resources.

The use of College resources for electronic mail and voice messaging must be related to College business, including academic pursuits. Incidental and occasional personal use of electronic mail and voice messaging may occur when such use does not generate a direct cost for the College. All uses of electronic mail and voice messaging utilizing MCC IT resources are subject to the provisions of this policy.

MCC will make reasonable efforts to maintain the integrity and effective operation of its electronic mail and voice messaging systems, but users are advised that those systems should in no way be regarded as a secure medium for the communication of sensitive or confidential information.

The College will not monitor electronic mail or voice messages as a routine matter, but it may do so to the extent permitted by law as the College deems necessary for purposes of maintaining the integrity and effective operation of the College’s electronic mail and voice messaging systems. Any user of the College’s electronic mail resources who makes use of an encryption device to restrict or inhibit access to his or her electronic mail must provide access to such encrypted communications when requested to do so under appropriate College authority.

To the extent permitted by law, the College reserves the right to access and disclose the contents of faculty’s, staff’s, students’, and other users’ electronic mail and voice messages without the consent of the user. The College will do so when it believes it has a legitimate business need including, but not limited to, those listed below and only after explicit authorization is obtained from the appropriate College authority.

  • In the course of an investigation triggered by indications of misconduct or misuse.
  • As needed to protect health and safety.
  • As needed to prevent interference with the academic mission.
  • As needed to locate substantive information required for College business that is not more readily available by some other means.

The College will inspect and disclose the contents of electronic mail and voice messages when such action is necessary to respond to legal processes and to fulfill the College’s obligations to third parties.