Information Technology (IT) Acceptable Use Policy

The purpose of this policy is to establish acceptable and unacceptable use of information technology resources at Mayland Community College in conjunction with its established culture of lawful and ethical behavior, trust, openness, and integrity.

Acceptable and Unacceptable Uses

IT resources owned and/or operated or services provided or subscribed to by MCC, hardwired and wireless, are intended for the use of MCC students, faculty, staff, and other authorized individuals for purposes directly related to instruction and business operations.

It is not acceptable to use MCC IT resources:

  • For any purposes prohibited by federal or state law,
  • For commercial gain or profit,
  • To create or propagate computerized viruses, malware, or spyware,
  • To access, display, make accessible, play, publish, or transmit any annoying (i.e. spamming), discriminatory, Indecent, lewd, obscene, pornographic, offensive, racist, sexist, threatening or harassing language, and/or materials,
  • To transfer copyrighted materials to or from any information resource, except as permitted by law or by written agreement with the owner of the copyright,
  • To attempt to obtain unauthorized computer access or privileges or to attempt to trespass in the files, folders, or work of another individual,
  • To conduct any activity that could cause a security breach or disrupt service,
  • For snooping (i.e., obtaining access to the files or electronic mail of others for the purpose of satisfying idle curiosity with no substantial College business purpose),
  • For spoofing (i.e., constructing an electronic communication so it appears to be from someone else),
  • For phishing (i.e., attempting to gain confidential information by using fraudulent emails or other electronic communications).

Due to the possibility of configuration errors, virus infections, etc., personally owned devices, such as laptop computers may not be attached to any wired port on the MCC network. Only those devices owned and managed by MCC will be allowed to connect to the MCC wired local area network. Further, it is not permissible to deliberately attempt to damage and/or sabotage IT resources or to perform port scans.

Reservation of Rights and Limits of Liability

MCC reserves all rights in the use and operation of its IT resources, including the right to monitor and inspect electronic files, resources, and/or computer support services, or to terminate service at any time or for any reason without notice.

Electronic Mail and Voice Messaging

Only MCC faculty, staff, students, and other persons who have received permission from the appropriate College authority are authorized users of the College's electronic mail and voice messaging systems and resources.

The use of College resources for electronic mail and voice messaging must be related to College business, including academic pursuits. Incidental and occasional personal use of electronic mail and voice messaging may occur when such use does not generate a direct cost for the College. All uses of electronic mail and voice messaging utilizing MCC IT resources are subject to the provisions of this policy.

MCC will make reasonable efforts to maintain the integrity and effective operation of its electronic mail and voice messaging systems, but users are advised that those systems should in no way be regarded as a secure medium for the communication of sensitive or confidential information.

The College will not monitor electronic mail or voice messages as a routine matter, but it may do so to the extent permitted by law as the College deems necessary for purposes of maintaining the integrity and effective operation of the College’s electronic mail and voice messaging systems. Any user of the College’s electronic mail resources who makes use of an encryption device to restrict or inhibit access to his or her electronic mail must provide access to such encrypted communications when requested to do so under appropriate College authority.

To the extent permitted by law, the College reserves the right to access and disclose the contents of faculty’s, staff’s, students’, and other users’ electronic mail and voice messages without the consent of the user. The College will do so when it believes it has a legitimate business need including, but not limited to, those listed below and only after explicit authorization is obtained from the appropriate College authority.

  • In the course of an investigation triggered by indications of misconduct or misuse.
  • As needed to protect health and safety.
  • As needed to prevent interference with the academic mission.
  • As needed to locate substantive information required for College business that is not more readily available by some other means.

The College will inspect and disclose the contents of electronic mail and voice messages when such action is necessary to respond to legal processes and to fulfill the College’s obligations to third parties.

Public Inspection and Archiving

Electronic mail and voice messaging of students may constitute “education records” subject to the provisions of the federal statute known as the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974. The College may access, inspect, and disclose such records under conditions that are set forth in the statute.

North Carolina law provides that communications of College personnel that are sent by electronic mail and voice messaging may constitute correspondence and, therefore, may be considered public records subject to public inspection under NC General Statutes 121 and 132.

Electronic files, including electronic mail and voice messaging, that are considered to be public records are to be retained, archived, and/or disposed of in accordance with current guidelines established by the North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources.