Communicable Disease Policy

It is the policy of Mayland Community College that individuals who have or are perceived to have a communicable disease or communicable condition shall receive fair and impartial treatment in all aspects of employment, administration of benefits, class attendance, and College functions. In the case of an individual having a communicable disease or a communicable condition, employment or enrollment shall only be denied, terminated, or restricted where it can be reasonably expected, given the condition of the individual and the known or reasonably suspected methods and manner of exposure that there exists a real likelihood of transmission or infection to third parties by reason of continued or unrestricted employment or enrollment.

Persons who know or who have reason to believe they are infected with a communicable disease or communicable condition have an ethical and legal obligation to conduct themselves in accordance with such knowledge in order to protect themselves and others. An individual who knows or who has a reasonable basis for believing that he or she may be infected with a communicable disease or communicable condition is encouraged to obtain a medical diagnosis of their condition and share the results of the diagnosis with the Director of Human Resources and/or the President.

No medical information relative to an individual’s condition shall be disclosed without that individual’s permission, except as required by state and/or federal law or in an adversarial proceeding between the College and an individual whose employment or enrollment has been affected by reason of conditions stated in above. In addition to safeguarding confidential medical information against disclosure within the College, medical information shall be restricted to those with a legitimate interest, and the administration shall ensure that access and dissemination is properly restricted to faculty and staff in the line of supervision, health care, and legal advisors restricted by confidentiality, and the Board of Trustees in closed session.

The College reserves the right to require an individual to undergo a medical examination by a physician or health professional chosen by the College whenever there is a question of the individual’s fitness to attend classes and/or work or where there is a reasonable basis for concern that an individual’s condition could pose health or safety hazards for other persons. If an individual is diagnosed as having a communicable disease or communicable condition, which poses health or safety hazards to others, the College will make every effort to provide reasonable accommodations to allow the individual to continue work or study.