Solicitation Policy

It is the policy of MCC and its Foundation to secure private gifts—whether in cash, securities, tangible or planned/estate gifts—that relate directly to the purpose of the College and assist the College in fulfilling its purpose. Gifts that do not relate directly to this purpose will not be accepted.

All institutional fundraising will be the function of the Mayland Community College Foundation. However, the College shall, as practicable, maintain a separate office for the specific purpose of grant writing. The Foundation shall collaborate with the grant office as appropriate.

Any external fundraising activities that departments, divisions, or student groups wish to undertake must be approved by the Executive Director of the MCC Foundation or the College President to ensure that such activities relate directly to the purpose of the College, and do not conflict with other fundraising activities or plans. Upon approval for external fundraising activities, directions for proper acknowledgement will be issued by the Executive Director. Internal fundraising events, such as club activities during student functions and sales to internal faculty, staff, and students should be approved by the appropriate division head.

All special events, which relate to fundraising will be approved by the President. Generally, all events will be planned and executed by the Mayland Community Foundation.

All fundraising receipts (with exception of those generated by student clubs for their internal use), including those for tangible gifts, must be submitted to the Mayland Community College Foundation to ensure that proper acknowledgement is made to the donor and that appropriate records are maintained. Student Clubs must submit all receipts to the business office and submit a list of all external donors (non-College employees or students) to the Foundation office with donation amounts.

The solicitation of sales, or actual sale, of products and articles on any College property, whether owned or leased by the College, is prohibited except as specific authorization may be granted by the President or such person to whom the President may delegate the duty. The authorization may restrict the times, places, and manners of on-campus solicitation or any other limitation determined to be a reasonable limitation and may provide a general authorization for the sale of products as part of a general fundraising project for a charitable or civic organization (e.g., Girl Scout cookie sales, Boy Scout popcorn sales, etc.).

In no event shall the name of Mayland Community College or its Board of Trustees be used to solicit contributions, or for any other purpose or through any means without the expressed written consent of the President or such person to whom the President may delegate the duty.

It is not the intent of this policy to limit or prohibit the distribution or public dissemination of free materials or information to students, faculty and staff regarding religious or non-religious speech. The Board of Trustees authorizes the President to establish public areas within the College grounds as public forums, where these materials may be posted or made available, and to establish days on which such materials may be distributed.