Pass-Fail Option

At any time before the posted last day to elect Pass-Fail or withdraw from a class, a student may elect to take a course on a Pass-Fail basis by filing a form with the Registrar. The choice is irrevocable. Choosing the P/F option coincides with the last date to withdraw from a semester course. Refer to the academic calendar for specific dates each semester. The P represents an earned grade of D- or better and will not calculate within the GPA, whereas an F indicates a failing grade and will calculate within the GPA.


  • No more than one course per semester may be taken Pass-Fail.

  • No more than 18 credits of P may be counted toward graduation. (This does not apply to courses where P is the only mark given and the student has no option.)

  • Courses to be counted toward a major, minor, specialization, or graduation requirement may not be taken Pass-Fail without written approval from the department chair or minor supervisor.

Since the grade of P indicates any assigned grade of D- or above, students should be aware that some post-graduate institutions may discount records with this grade.

In some programs, typically study-away programs, Pass-Fail grades may be the only recorded option for earned credit. These courses, in which students have no option for letter grades, may be exempt from the limitations listed above. In cases where programs only offer Pass-Fail grades, students must receive approval through an academic petition prior to the time they attend the program.