Drops, Withdrawals, and Leaves of Absence

Administrative Drop

A student who does not attend the first session of any course will be administratively dropped from that class roster and will need to re-register for the course if they plan to take the course. If a student is unable to attend the first class session, they must contact the instructor and the Registrar’s Office prior to the first class session to request not to be dropped and to arrange the completion of any missing assignments.

Students are responsible for checking their own schedule before the end of the add/drop period to confirm all courses have been properly added and/or dropped. Students may check their schedule on Self Service via Student Planning or through the Registrar’s Office.

Withdrawal from Courses

Students may, in consultation with their academic advisor, drop any course until the close of registration. The course does not appear on the student's record. Students should refer to the academic calendar for specific dates each semester.

Under certain circumstances, an instructor, the Provost, or the Dean of Students, in consultation with the Registrar, may administratively withdraw a student from a course. In such a case a mark of W will appear on the transcript.

A student may withdraw from any course until the last day to elect Pass/Fail or withdraw from a class, but the course appears on the record with a mark of W. Students should refer to the academic calendar for specific deadlines each semester. Students will be withdrawn as of the day that they notify the Registrar's Office of their withdrawal. After the last day to elect Pass/Fail or withdraw from a class, a student who ceases to attend class is assigned the grade they have earned. Merely ceasing to attend class does not constitute withdrawal, and failure to follow prescribed withdrawal procedures may result in a grade of F.

The College of Idaho does not allow students to withdraw retroactively from a course from which they earned a grade. A course withdrawal must be completed by the deadline.

Withdrawal from the College

A student who must withdraw completely from the College should initiate action with the Dean of Students. Grades of W or F are assigned in accordance with the policies set forth under Withdrawal from Courses. Students will be withdrawn as of the day on which they submit their form or notify the institution, not according to the last date of attendance. In some cases, if sufficient work has been completed and extenuating circumstances are established, it may be possible to arrange for grades of Incomplete. (See regulations on Incomplete Grades.) Students having questions or needing assistance should contact the Dean of Students or the Registrar's Office.

Leave of Absence

Voluntary Leave of Absence

Ordinarily, the College expects full-time students to complete the bachelor's degree in four academic years. At times, however, family, medical, personal, or financial emergencies arise that may interrupt one's studies. Students who must leave the College for a short time but intend to return to their studies may request a Voluntary Leave of Absence for up to four consecutive semesters. Students who do not return within two years will be re-classified as Withdrawn from the College; withdrawal policies and procedures will then apply. The Voluntary Leave of Absence process is initiated with the Dean of Students. Students receiving financial aid are advised to consult the Office of Student Financial Aid Services before requesting a Voluntary Leave of Absence in order to verify how their financial aid package might be affected. Please note that the two years in LOA status will count toward the six-year window of catalogs under which students may qualify to graduate. Please see Degrees and Graduation Application for more information.

Involuntary Medical Leave of Absence

The College may require a student to take an Involuntary Medical Leave of Absence in certain circumstances when the student's health may be adversely affected or the community may be adversely affected by the student's continued presence on campus. This policy describes how these leaves of absence can be issued and appealed.

The Dean of Students or designee may issue Involuntary Medical Leave of Absences. An Involuntary Medical Leave of Absence may be issued if:

  • The student is engaging in, or is threatening to engage in, behavior that poses a significant danger of causing substantial harm to the health, safety, or welfare of the student or others; or

  • The student's behavior has resulted in substantial harm to the health, safety, or welfare of the student or others and the behavior continues, or there is a risk the behavior will continue, posing a significant danger of causing substantial harm to the health, safety, or welfare of the student or others; or

  • The student's behavior has resulted in significant disruption of the teaching, learning, or administrative activities of other members of the campus community and the behavior continues, or there is a risk the behavior will continue, with the likely result of such behavior substantially impeding the education processes or proper activities or functions of the College and its personnel.

Before issuing an Involuntary Medical Leave of Absence, the Dean of Students or designee will, when possible:

  • Consult with others who can provide relevant information about the student's condition; and

  • Provide the student an opportunity to present information about the student's circumstances. If the student is unable or unwilling to meet with the Dean in a timely manner, the student's opportunity to provide information is waived.

The Dean or designee will issue an Involuntary Medical Leave of Absence in writing (email to the student's College of Idaho address and hardcopy to student's campus mailbox) to the student. The written notice will include:

  • The effective date of the leave

  • The reasons for requiring the leave

  • The conditions for re-enrollment

  • Any restrictions imposed on the student's access to the campus or college-sponsored activities

A student wishing to return from an Involuntary Medical Leave of Absence must:

  • Notify the Dean of Students of desire to return.

  • Document fulfillment of all conditions placed on re-enrollment.

  • Meet all other admission and enrollment requirements of the College.

The Dean will notify the student in writing of the decision to approve or deny returning to campus and/or re-enrollment.