ME4162 Convection Heat Transfer

Fundamental principles of forced and free convection. Laminar and turbulent duct flows and external flows. Dimensionless correlations. Heat transfer during phase changes. Heat exchanger analysis with Mechanical Engineering applications.


ME3150, ME3201

Lecture Hours


Lab Hours


Statement Of Course Objectives

  • Obtain a thorough understanding of the subject of Convective Heat Transfer.
  • Prepare the student to solve practical convective heat transfer problems.
  • Impart adequate convective heat transfer knowledge to solve open ended related engineering problems.
  • Lay the foundation for the student to design heat exchangers later.

Course Learning Outcomes

At the completion of the course students will be able to:

  • Develop a deep physical understanding of the subject of Convective Heat Transfer
  • Seek mathematical solutions (complete and integral) to convective heat transfer problems that involve a variety of boundary conditions in laminar flows.
  • Attack turbulent heat transfer problems using turbulent Prandtl number and other relevant concepts.
  • Establish the cooling requirements of and potential methods to achieve them for modern electronic systems.
  • Solve some industrial heat transfer problems.
  • Apply the knowledge to heat exchanger design.