ME4240 Advanced Topics in Fluid Dynamics

Topics selected in accordance with the current interests of the students and faculty. Examples include fluid-structure interactions, cable strumming, wave forces on structures, free-streamline analysis of jets, wakes, and cavities with emphasis on computational fluid dynamics.


ME4220 and ME4211

Lecture Hours


Lab Hours


Course Learning Outcomes

  • Demonstrate understanding of advanced fluid dynamics concepts, including fluid-structure interactions, cable strumming, wave forces on structures, and free-streamline analysis of jets, wakes, and cavities.
  • Apply computational fluid dynamics (CFD) techniques to analyze complex fluid flow phenomena.
  • Critically evaluate the implications of fluid dynamics phenomena on engineering designs and systems.
  • Develop proficiency in conducting literature reviews and staying abreast of current research trends in fluid dynamics.
  • Design and conduct experiments or simulations to investigate specific fluid dynamics problems.
  • Communicate findings effectively through written reports and presentations, demonstrating the ability to convey complex fluid dynamics concepts to diverse audiences.
  • Collaborate effectively with peers and faculty members in discussing and analyzing advanced fluid dynamics topics.
  • Apply problem-solving skills to analyze and propose solutions for real-world fluid dynamics problems.

These outcomes aim to equip students with advanced knowledge and skills in fluid dynamics, enabling them to tackle complex problems and contribute to cutting-edge research in the field.