ME4550 Random Vibrations and Spectral Analysis

Engineering application of spectral analysis techniques to characterize system responses under a random vibration environment. Characteristics of physical random data and physical system responses. Application of probability concepts to random data and response analysis. Correlation and spectral density functions. Transmission of random vibration. System responses to single/multiple random excitations. Failure due to random vibration.


ME3521 or equivalent or by consent of instructor

Lecture Hours


Lab Hours


Course Learning Outcomes

At the completion of the course students will be able to:

  • Solve for response in systems involving cross-correlations.
  • Apply statistics of both narrow and wide band processes.
  • Utilize Fourier analysis and Spectral analysis to solve engineering problems.
  • Determine characteristics of random data in realistic physical systems.
  • Estimate the system frequency response function based on excitation-response data.
  • Compare the response of systems subjected to random and forced vibration.