ME4753 Risk Analysis and Management for Engineering Systems

This course covers three areas in the risk field - Qualitative Risk Analysis, Quantitative Risk Analysis, and Decision Risk Analysis. Qualitative Risk Analysis presents techniques for risk identification/evaluation, risk handling, risk monitoring and risk management. Quantitative Risk Analysis includes Probabilistic Risk Assessment (RPRA) of system performance and project cost/schedule. Decision Risk Analysis gives the students an understanding of how to apply risk and cost benefit techniques in decision making when one must deal with significant risk or uncertainty. The course will present a framework for balancing risks and benefits to applicable situations. Typically these involve human safety, potential environmental effects, and large financial and technological uncertainties. Concepts are applied toward representative problems resulting in risk and decision models that provide insight and understanding, and consequently lead to more successful projects/programs with better system performance within cost and schedule. This is the same course as SE4353


OS3180, or equivalent graduate level course in probability, or consent of the instructor

Lecture Hours


Lab Hours