ME4731 Engineering Design Optimization

Application of automated numerical optimization techniques to design of engineering systems. Algorithms for solution of nonlinear constrained design problems. Familiarization with available design optimization programs. State-of-the-art applications. Solution of a variety of design problems in mechanical engineering, using numerical optimization techniques.


ME2601or by consent of instructor

Lecture Hours


Lab Hours


Course Learning Outcomes

At the completion of the course students will be able to:

  • Formulate an engineering design problem as an optimization. problem, identifying design variables, constraints and objective functions.
  • Calculate the gradient and Hessian matrices for single- and multi-variable functions.
  • Use the gradient and Hessian matrices in optimality criteria to identify stationary points and optimal points.
  • Write a single-variable (line search) unconstrained search program.
  • Construct search directions using basic optimization algorithms, including Cauchy’s method, Newton’s method, conjugate direction method, Powells Method.
  • Write a multi-variable, unconstrained optimization program.
  • Solve linear and nonlinear optimization problems using a commercial optimizer.