ME4101 Advanced Thermodynamics

This course reviews elementary definitions, concepts and laws of thermodynamics and then extends these to cover general thermodynamics and advanced topics. The concepts of availability, exergy, irreversibility, and general equilibrium conditions in single and multi-component systems. Gas- vapor mixtures in heating ventilation and cooling (HVAC). Modified, combined and solar thermal power cycles. Refrigeration and cryogenic cycles. Thermal storage. Chemical reactions and combustion.


ME2101 or by consent of instructor

Lecture Hours


Lab Hours


Course Learning Outcomes

At the completion of the course students will be able to:

  • Analyze complex thermodynamics systems and processes.
  • Predict final states of multi-component and reacting systems and establish general equilibrium conditions.
  • Calculate performance such as thermal efficiency and coefficient of performance of complex power and refrigeration systems.
  • Understand the statistical foundations of macroscopic thermodynamic quantities.
  • Use general thermodynamic relationships to relate changes in properties.
  • Analyze and design complex thermodynamics systems for engineering applications.