ME4202 Compressible and Hypersonic Flow

One-dimensional, compressible flow is reviewed. Two-dimensional and axis-symmetric supersonic of ideal gases. Oblique shocks and expansion waves. General compressible flow equations. Potential supersonic and conical flows. Compressible scaling and transonic area ruling. Effects of very high velocity and low density. Hypersonic flow. Mach number independence and equivalence principles. Newtonian method. Blunt and slender body solutions. Real gas behavior and effect on shock and boundary layers. Applications are presented to satellite parasitic drag and re-entry flows.


ME3201 or consent of instructor

Lecture Hours


Lab Hours


Course Learning Outcomes

At the completion of the course students will be able to:

  • Apply governing compressible flow equations to 1-D, 2-D, and axis-symmetric problems.
  • Calculate single and multiple-shock thermodynamic jump conditions.
  • Evaluate the effects of area-ruling and transonic flow.
  • Apply Newtonian and modified-Newtonian theory to hypersonic problems.
  • Demonstrate application of real-gas properties at hypersonic conditions.
  • Calculate the effects of boundary layer in compressible and hypersonic flow.