ME4821 GPS Aided Navigation of Military Systems

This course presents the fundamentals of inertial navigation, principles of inertial accelerometers, and gyroscopes. Derivation of gimbaled and strapdown navigation equations and corresponding error analysis. Navigation using external navigation aids (navaids): LORAN, TACAN, and GPS. Introduction to Kalman filtering as a means of integrating data from navaids and inertial sensors.


ME3801 or by consent of instructor.

Lecture Hours


Lab Hours


Course Learning Outcomes

At the completion of the course students will be able to:

  • Coordinate systems and transformations.
  • Gimbaled and Strapdown IMU and principles of inertial sensors.
  • Inertial navigation and its limitations.
  • Covariance analysis of linear systems driven by white noise.
  • Position fixes: LORAN, GPS, etc.
  • Complementary and Kalman filter design techniques.