Pregnant and New Parent Students

It is our policy to ensure the protection and equal treatment of pregnant per-sons, individuals with pregnancy-related conditions, and new parents. The following procedures are intended to meet this policy to the fullest extent required by law.

Reasonable accommodation
The benefits and services provided to students affected by pregnancy shall be no less than those provided to students with temporary medical conditions. Students with pregnancy-related disabilities are entitled to reasonable accommodation so they will not be disadvantaged in their courses of study or re-search. Any student in need of an accommodation is encouraged to contact the Student Access Support Coordinator at Reasonable accommodations, such as modification to seating, mobility support and extended deadlines due to pregnancy-related issues must be requested through the Student Access Support (SAS) Coordinator and each request must include documentation of the accommodation need from the students’ health care provider.

Breastfeeding students will be granted reasonable time and space to pump breast milk in a location that is private, clean, and reasonably accessible.

Modified Academic Responsibilities

Students with parenting responsibilities who wish to remain engaged in their coursework while adjusting their academic responsibilities because of the birth or adoption of their child or placement of a foster child may request an academic modification period of up to 12 weeks beginning with the day of birth or day of entry of the child into the home. Extensions may be granted where additional time is required due to documented medical necessity.

During the modification period, the student’s didactic academic schedule will be adjusted as follows:
  • Weeks 1-3 – Student/Parents are not required to be in the classroom or engage with the instructor in any way. 
  • Weeks 4 & 5 – Student/Parents return to the classroom, and must either meet with each instructor or actively engage in email correspondence in order to set a schedule for missed work and assignments.
  • Weeks 6-9 – Student/Parents are attending classes and following the make-up schedule.
  • Weeks 10-12– Student/Parents complete all work and finishing any incomplete classes.
During the modification period, the student’s clinical schedule will be adjusted as follows:
  • Student/Parents may miss up to three clinic shifts without failing the entire shift. It is presumed that those missed shifts will occur during the first three weeks, but students must be in communication with the shift supervisor to confirm which shifts will be missed. Students are responsible for finding substitutes for the shifts they will miss while on the modified schedule. Due to the nature of the clinical experience, any student who misses more than three shifts is at risk of failing the shift for the quarter. 
In order to qualify for this modified schedule, the student must contact the SAS Coordinator well in advance of their due date, and must also have early and ongoing communication with each individual instructor and/or clinic supervisor about the modified schedule.

Academic Status, Incomplete or Leave of Absence

Student/parents who have received a modified schedule will retain their enrollment status throughout the schedule. If desired, the student/parent may request either an incomplete for a class or a leave of absence through the regular process with the Office of the Registrar. Faculty or staff may not require a student to take either an incomplete or a leave of absence due to pregnancy, birth, or a new child in the home.