Certificate in Emotional Intelligence and Leadership


Learning about emotional intelligence will help students to become more socially aware and develop the emotional intelligence skills needed to lead others. Leaders who demonstrate emotional intelligence are adept at earning and maintaining the respect of peers and coworkers, including the ones they lead. 

Socially aware leaders encourage coworkers to express opinions honestly and without fear of retribution.  They are exceptional listeners who pay attention to the needs of both the organization and the individuals in the organization.  They are willing to accept constructive criticism about their leadership style and activity and to sincerely undertake corrective action.  By doing so, they create an honest, respectful, and comfortable environment for followers and others in the organization. Learning to recognize and develop emotional intelligence will help students gain skills in leadership.

Students completing this certificate will meet the following goals in the three core courses:

  1. Students will appraise their own emotional intelligence and leadership skills.
  2. Students will learn to identify the qualities of emotional intelligence in leaders and others.
  3. Students will analyze the qualities of positive leadership.
  4. Students will recognize unethical/ethical leadership behaviors and situations.
  5. Students will describe various types of leadership.
  6. Students will examine how they empathize with or respond to the expressed feelings, thoughts, behaviors, and needs of others in the organization. 


This certificate consists of 6 courses (18 credits).

  • 4 core courses (12 credits).
  • 2 elective course from a menu of approved courses (6 credits).

Note: Students are held to all prerequisite requirements; some students may require more than 6 courses to complete this certificate.

Core Requirements (12 credits)

SOC 315Emotional Intelligence and Leadership


SOC 317Applied Emotional Intelligence


SOC 463Social Values & Intercultural Communication


PHI 302Ethics and Values in Behavioral Science


Electives (6 credits)

Choose two of the following courses:
BBM 347Interpersonal Skills and Professionalism in the Workplace


COM 300Communication Theory


COM 332Managing Crisis Communications


HRM 300Labor Relations and Collective Bargaining


PSY 300Theories of Personality


PSY 309Interpersonal Communication Skills


PSY 315Group Dynamics


SOC 314Community Organizing & Advocacy


SOC 352Crisis Communications