Archived Courses and Programs


Psychosocial medicine provides an opportunity for students to learn to recognize and manage common psychiatric disorders and psychsocial issues encountered during the care of patients and the interrelationship between mental and overall health. Students explore normal psychological development across the lifespan and the role of mental health experts and other health providers in the management and coordination of patient care. The psychiatry unit forces on psychiatric problems seen in medicine, introducing students to the differential diagnosis and treatment of major psychiatric disorders such as anxiety, personality and mood disorders, psychosis, substance abuse, and somatoform disorders. The psychosocial unit fosters an awareness of those issues which impact a patient's well being and a sensitivity to the diversity and concerns of the patient. Topics discussed include emotional and behavioral responses to illness, injury, stress and trauma, the concept of spiritually, cultural diversity and the impact on medical care, alcohol and drug use and abuse, family violence and death and dying. REQUIRED COURSE: Yes PREREQUISITES: Successful completion of Semester 1 of the PA program
