
Course Fees

Some classes require additional fees for equipment or materials. Please consult the course schedule in Self Service for details.

Course fees are not refundable after the last day to drop courses. See Institutional Refund Policy.

2024-25 Fees


Art Fee Cost Varies
Citi Ethics Fee $30.00
Health and Human Performance Activities Fee
Cost Varies
Math Software $55.00
Outdoor Program Fee Cost Varies
Private Music Lesson Fee

One-half credit, instrument or voice (one 1/2-hour lesson weekly)


One credit, instrument or voice (one 1-hour lesson weekly)

Psychology Research Fee $55.00
Science Lab Fee (Biology, Chemistry, Environmental Studies,
             Exercise Science, Geology, Physics)
Theatre Fee $95.00

Student Fees

Student fees are non-refundable after the last day to drop semester courses.

2024-25 Fees

 Per Term

Per Year

Academic Service Fee $37.50 $75.00
ASCI Student Fees* 
  $187.50 $375.00
Health Service Fee $50.00 $100.00
Monthly Payment Plan Enrollment Fee
           Annual Plan   $80.00
           Term Plan $55.00
Residence Hall / Village Apartments Programming Fee   $30.00 $60.00
Technology Fee $87.50 $175.00

Payable at first semester billing:

New Student Experience Fee – First-Year Student (one-time)
New Student Experience Fee – Transfer Student (one-time)   $315.00
Student Health Insurance (per year)   $2,761.00
          Athlete Early Coverage (August 1-14)    $106.00
          Spring Term Only    $1711.00
International Student Fee (per year)
General Parking Fee (per year)
*  *  *  *  * 
Returned Check Fee (per occurrence)   $35.00

*ASCI (C of I Student Senate) determines fee annually.