Academic Honor Code

The College of Idaho maintains that academic honesty and integrity are essential values in the educational process. Operating under an Honor Code philosophy, the College expects conduct rooted in honesty, integrity, and understanding, allowing members of a diverse student body to live together and interact and learn from one another in ways that protect both personal freedom and community standards. Violations of academic honesty are addressed primarily by the faculty member and may be referred to the Dean of Graduate Studies or their designee.

Honor Code

The Code
The College of Idaho is a community of integrity; therefore, we, the students, seek to promulgate a community in which integrity is valued, expected, and practiced. We are honor bound to refrain from cheating, stealing, or lying about College-related business. We are obligated to examine our own actions in light of their effect on the community, and we are responsible to address any violations of these community standards.

The Pledge
All course work submitted for evaluation is pledged with the student's signature:
I pledge that this work was completed with academic integrity.

Any changes to the Academic Honor Code must be approved by a student referendum.


Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to:

  • Cheating on exams or assignments;
  • Plagiarism;
  • Ghost writing;
  • Buying or using a term paper, exam, or project that was not composed by the student turning it in;
  • Use of unauthorized notes or information during an exam;
  • Taking an exam for another student;
  • Collaboration on take-home exams when it has been forbidden; or
  • Furnishing false or misleading information on any official College form or the College website.


Plagiarism is the presentation of another's product, words, ideas, or data as one's own work. When a student submits work for credit that includes the product, words, ideas, or data of others, the source must be acknowledged by the use of complete, accurate, and specific references, such as footnotes. By placing one's name on work submitted for credit, the student certifies the originality of all work not otherwise identified by appropriate acknowledgments. A student will be charged with plagiarism if there is not an acknowledgment of indebtedness. Acknowledgment must be made whenever:

  • One quotes another person's actual words or replicates part of another's product.
  • One uses another person's ideas, opinions, work, data, or theories, even if they are completely paraphrased in one's own words.
  • One borrows facts, statistics, or other illustrative materials, unless the information is common knowledge (already published in at least three other sources without citation).

Students may not use content sourced from generative artificial intelligence tools and applications as a substitute for their own academic work. Students may not claim ownership or authorship of any content generated by these tools, as it is considered a violation of the College’s Academic Dishonesty and Misconduct policy. Exceptions are allowed if student AI use is specifically authorized by a faculty member (e.g., an assignment to use AI tools or content for class) or by a graduate program (see “Program Policies” section for each relevant graduate program).


The burden of proof of student academic dishonesty or misconduct lies with the faculty member; the imposition of penalties is also the responsibility of the faculty member. Faculty members have the discretion to require that the student repeat the assignment or exam, or may give a failing grade for the assignment, exam, or course, or may otherwise deal with the academic dishonesty in a manner they determine to be appropriate within the context of their course or graduate program (see “Program Policies” section for each relevant graduate program). Before determining an appropriate disposition of the situation, the faculty member is encouraged to consult with the Dean of Graduate Studies to see if there are other instances of academic dishonesty by the student on file in the Dean’s records.

In any instance the student has the right to appeal the faculty member’s accusation and penalty by invoking the Grade Mediation Policy (see Grade Mediation Policy).

In the case of repeated or more serious violations of academic honesty, the faculty member or department chair/program director may also refer the matter to the Dean of Graduate Studies or their designee for disciplinary proceedings pursuant to the College’s General Student Conduct Procedures as articulated in the Student Handbook.