
The advising process in the teacher education program begins at the undergraduate level. Each candidate in the elementary education program is assigned an advisor from the Education Department. Candidates preparing to be secondary teachers have an advisor from the area of their major and, upon acceptance into the program, a co-advisor from the Education Department. Though primary responsibility for advising rests with the candidate, the education advisor works with the candidate in conjunction with their major advisor in planning the sequence of courses that leads to graduation and that meet State Department of Education requirements for certification with endorsements in a first and second teaching field. The advisor monitors the candidate’s progress through the portfolio process, state testing requirements, and the coursework for the minor. During the internship year, the Education Department faculty guides interns through the digital portfolio process and assists candidates in completing a placement file and preparing the paperwork for state licensure.

To assure that candidates are progressing successfully through the teacher education program, the department has established five checkpoints (beginning in the undergraduate portion of the program) at which progress is reviewed. For information on the specific timing and requirements of each checkpoint, please consult the Education Department Handbook.