Appeal Procedure

Any candidate who has been denied admission to the teacher education program, recommendation for admission to the MAT program, admission to internship, recommendation for admission to the MEd program, or recommendation for certification, and who believes that this action was not justified, may appeal the decision through the procedure outlined below. Students wishing to initiate such action must do so in writing within three weeks of being notified of the decision they wish to appeal.

The appeal procedure is as follows:

  1. A written statement requesting reconsideration of action shall be presented to the chair of the Education Department. The statement must include reasons for the request. The student shall meet with the chair of the Education Department to determine if a satisfactory agreement can be achieved at that level. The chair shall respond to the student, in writing, concerning the outcome of that meeting within five working days of the meeting.

  2. If the situation is not resolved to the satisfaction of the student in step one, the student shall be entitled to appear, in person, before a hearing committee composed of the full-time College of Idaho faculty members teaching in the Education Department, without the department chair present. The student must notify the department of their desire to move the appeal process to level two within one week of receiving notification of the decision at level one. A written document, including the nature of the request, the student’s description of the situation in question and their rationale for the request, shall be submitted to each department faculty member at least two days prior to the meeting. An Education Department faculty member shall provide the student with written notification of the faculty’s response to the student’s request within five working days of the meeting.

  3.  If the situation is not resolved to the satisfaction of the student, they may take the request to a hearing committee composed of the Dean of the Undergraduate Faculty, the Education Department chair, and a K-12 school administrator who currently serves on the Teacher Education Advisory Committee. The student must notify the department of their desire to move the appeal process to level three within one week of receiving notification of the decision at level two. The student shall provide each member of the committee with a written description of the issue in question and the rationale for their request at least two days prior to the meeting. The student shall receive written notification of the results of the hearing within five working days of the meeting.

The decision of the level three hearing committee shall be considered final.