Early Career PA Pathway

The Early Career PA pathway is a 36-credit-hour program that is completed in 12 months. It grants eligible candidates 12 credits of advanced standing for completion of the clinical and didactic instructional components of their entry-level master’s degree program, including recent coursework in research methods and evidence-based practices and for clinical reasoning development incurred during supervised clinical practice experiences:

  • Evidence-Based Practices Coursework: 3 Credit Hours
  • Terminal Project Coursework: 3 Credit Hours
  • Clinical Reasoning Development (obtained during supervised clinical practice experiences): 6 Credit Hours

The pathway’s curriculum therefore involves 24 credit hours tailored to support early career PAs in developing their professional identities, clinical niches, and career trajectories. Along with doctorate-level aptitudes gained during a modified version of the Implementation Science Tool Kit, PAs will explore early career success strategies and conduct an in-depth examination of the healthcare policies, regulations, and laws that dictate patient access to care. Through the Practicum course, early career PAs have the chance to apply evidence-based workplace change tools to real world professional challenges.

Block 1

DMSC-711Foundations of Implementation Science

3 credits

DMSC-730Integrated Research Methodology for PAs

3 credits

Block 2

DMSC-712Scholarly Writing and Publication

3 credits

DMSC-715Strategies for Early Career Success

3 credits

Block 3

DMSC-713Empowering PA Leaders

3 credits

DMSC-811Healthcare Policy

3 credits

Block 4

DMSC-714Integrative Population Health

3 credits

DMSC-830Integrated Practicum: Professional Applictn of Implementation Science

3 credits