2017-2018 Undergraduate Catalog

Course Audit

A student who wishes to engage informally in regular University offerings may, with the permission of the instructor, audit one course per semester or term of study. Formal course requirements such as completion of written papers or quizzes and examinations do not apply to the auditing student. Regular tuition rates are charged for this course. Audit courses are not included in enrollment status when determining financial aid awards.

All lecture, laboratory and studio courses may be audited. Auditing status permits the student to attend class; the auditor is not expected to fulfill course requirements that regularly-registered students must satisfy in order to earn academic credit. The title of the audited course is printed on the student’s transcript, along with the grade symbol “AU.” No academic credit is earned for audited courses.

Students who wish to audit a course should register for that course during the regularly scheduled registration period via KeanWISE. In order to declare the audit option, the Audit Form must be obtained at the Office of the Registrar or the Kean Ocean Administrative Office, Gateway 103 and the instructor’s approval must be secured. The signed form must be returned to the Office of the Registrar or the Kean Ocean Administrative Office, Gateway 103, within the first three weeks of the fall or spring semester or the first week of summer session. Please note that students may also change out of audit option and re-register for earned credit during this initial declaration period as stated above.