2017-2018 Undergraduate Catalog

Teacher Education Programs


A New Jersey teaching certificate may be earned with specific liberal arts majors at Kean University (see below). 


Undergraduate students working on their initial certification while obtaining the Bachelor of Arts degree are eligible to receive teaching certificates in: Early Childhood/P-3, Elementary Education/Middle School, Elementary Education/Bilingual and Bicultural, Elementary Education/Bilingual and Bicultural/Middle School, Art, English, Spanish, Health and Physical Education, Earth Science, Biological Science, Chemistry, Music, Mathematics, Social Studies, Theatre, Teacher of Students with Disabilities with options in P-3/Elementary Education/ Elementary Education with Middle School/ Biological Science/Chemistry/Earth Science/English/Social Studies. (P-12 is also available).



Students must be formally admitted to teacher education programs. Since criteria for admission to specific programs vary, students are urged to contact the Program Coordinator offering the program for specific admission information. Students must file an application for program admission with the Coordinator. Minimal criteria for admission are as follows:

  • A cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or better from all institutions attended (Kean and transfer).
  • Attainment of New Jersey Qualifying test scores on the Praxis Core Academic Skills for Educators.
  • Competency in oral English communications as demonstrated by a minimum grade of “C” (some programs may require a "B-") in COMM 1402, its equivalent or formal exemption.
  • Competency in written English as demonstrated by a minimum grade of “C” (or "B-" if required) in ENG 1030.
  • Competency in mathematics as evidenced by a minimum grade of “C” (or "B-" if required) in at least one University-level math course.
  • Completion of Clinical Experience (Introductory) with a grade of Satisfactory.
  • Students must file an application for admission with the Program Coordinator.
  • Although students will not be formally admitted to teacher education programs until the satisfactory completion of the sophomore field experience, the programs are offered in a sequence which is best completed by starting in the freshman year.

If students do not score well on placement examinations, satisfactory completion of required developmental courses in writing, reading, and mathematics at Kean University is required.


Students will be evaluated at the end of the junior year prior to being confirmed as candidates for the instructional certificate. Students must maintain a grade point average of 3.0 or better and must demonstrate evidence of a proficient level of teaching.

New Jersey State Teaching Certificates

Certificates of Eligibility with Advanced Standing are issued by the State of New Jersey to students who have completed approved programs. 

Students must complete all the program requirements including General Education, academic sequence, behavioral and social sciences, the professional sequence and must maintain a grade point average of 3.0 or better in order to receive certification.

Current New Jersey regulations for certification require that applicants for teaching positions complete a test requirement. Applicants for certification in Elementary K-6 and/or Early Childhood Education (P-3) must meet New Jersey Qualifying Scores on Praxis II. Applicants for certification in subject teaching fields must pass the appropriate subject area section of the Praxis II exam. Students selecting a Middle School Certificate (5-8), must pass the K-6 Praxis II in addition to the Subject Area Praxis II.

Clinical Practice: Pre-Professional and Internship

Students in teacher education programs are required to complete the clinical Component: Clinical Experience (Introductory), Clinical Practice: Pre-Professional and Internship. This sequence is coordinated through the Teaching Performance Center (TPC). The TPC functions as a liaison between the University and public schools/agencies in placing students in classrooms/field sites for the clinical sequence.

Admission to Clinical Practice: Pre-Professional and Internship is by application only.

Prerequisites for Clinical Practice: Pre-Professional are: 3.0 GPA; Clinical Experience (Introductory); completion of 60 semester hours of coursework; prerequisites as determined by the department and program; New Jersey Substitute Certification; and negative Mantoux (tuberculosis) test.

Prerequisites for Clinical Practice Internships are: 3.0 GPA; Clinical Practice: Pre-Professional; completion of 95 semester hours of coursework; prerequisites as determined by the department of program; met New Jersey Qualifying Scores on the appropriate Subject Assessments test; New Jersey Substitute Certification; and negative Mantoux (tuberculosis) test. Students must enroll in the required co-requisite capstone course.

Clinical Practice: Internship is a full-semester five-days-a-week, full-time experience during which the Kean University student is required to be in the school full days for the entire semester and to plan, instruct, and assess. A student is required to follow the same schedule as his/her cooperating teacher/practitioner.

A teacher candidate who graduates after September 1, 2018 must take and pass edTPA as a New Jersey teacher certification requirement (the format of the current field internships may also change). The edTPA Performance Assessment will supplement the Praxis Il Content Assessment, which assesses how well entry-level teachers know the content they are to teach. The edTPA assesses the pedagogical skills of a beginning teacher: the ability to plan, instruct, and assess P-12 students.

Clinical component applications are due February 1st for the following Fall semester or April 1st for the following Spring semester. Applications are available in the Teaching Performance Center, Hennings Hall, Room 215 (908) 737-3790.

The nine (9) semester hours assigned to the Clinical Practice: Internship along with the three (3) semester hours of the co-requisite capstone course (total of 12 credits) equate to a full semester credit load.