2017-2018 Undergraduate Catalog

Re-Enrollment Services

Re-enrollment services are provided by the Office of the Registrar (Admin. Bldg., First Floor). Students seeking re-enrollment to complete a short online form. For more information, go to: http://www.kean.edu/offices/registrar/student-success-retention-services.

Previously enrolled Kean undergraduate students in good academic standing (cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher) who have not completed courses or received any grades (including W grades) at Kean University for two or more consecutive semesters (fall/spring or spring/fall) are no longer considered active students and must apply (by completing a short online form) for re-enrollment to the University.

Students who have missed two or more consecutive semesters because they are called up for active military duty do not have to reapply. However, they should contact the Office of Veteran Student Services (CAS-208) at (908) 737-0480 or email veteran@kean.edu in advance of their return to Kean University.

Students who miss one semester only are considered Stop-Outs and do not need to apply for re-enrollment. Re-enrollment to the University mandates that the student be subject to current University curriculum and academic standards requirements. Readmitted Students within 12 credits of graduation are grandfathered under their previous requirements unless certification or other requirements prohibit this option. Re-enrollment to the University does not constitute readmission to a specific academic major program.

Re-enrollment to the University is not guaranteed. Applicants who have attended other institutions will be evaluated for re-enrollment based on their cumulative academic performance at all schools attended (including Kean). Official copies of transcripts from all other colleges attended must be on file before the application for re-enrollment is considered complete. No fees are associated with this process.

Students who have not attended another institution must apply for the reactivation of their account prior to being eligible for registration. Students’ prior academic performance will be evaluated to determine the student’s eligibility for reactivation.

Students who have been academically dismissed ARE NOT eligible to apply for re-enrollment. They can ONLY seek reinstatement and should refer to the policy in the section Reinstatement after Academic Dismissal, along with the current policy on Academic Amnesty.