MSE 7991 Practicum I in Special Education

Practicum I is a structured, field-based, semester-long exploratory clinical course that requires at least 60 hours of supervised classroom experience in an approved setting. Fieldwork is monitored by Wilmington University Practicum advisors and mentor teachers. Placement priority is given to settings that serve culturally, linguistically, and socioeconomically diverse student populations. Fieldwork is supported by 30 hours of Practicum seminar sessions. Seminars are conducted at the University sites by faculty of the College of Education. Practicum I introduces the teacher candidate to essential content and pedagogical knowledge related to the components of professional practice, Charlotte Danielson’s Enhancing Professional Practice: A Framework for Teaching and DPAS II (Delaware Performance Appraisal System II). Practicum I provides the teacher candidate with opportunities to observe, describe, interpret, and understand all aspects of professional practice and to reflect on the personal and professional attributes required for success in teaching. Candidates in Practicum I focus on the development and characteristics of learners, individual learning differences, dispositions expected of professionals within the education field, learning environments and social interaction. Candidates should take the appropriate Praxis II exam and select Wilmington University as a score recipient. Passing scores are a prerequisite for entry into Practicum II. ETS Vouchers may be purchased at the Wilmington University bookstore or directly through the ETS website.




MED 6102 and MSE 7401. A Federal and Delaware CBC (Criminal Background Check) Report sent/delivered to the Office of Clinical Studies in its original sealed envelope. A new TB/PPD and a completed CPR (Child Protection Registry Form) uploaded into Taskstream. A completed Practicum Fieldwork application in Taskstream by the deadlines of February 1 for placement in Fall and August 1 for placement in Spring.