MSE 7400 The Gifted and Talented Child

This is the foundation course in gifted/talented education. Candidates examine historical points of view that continue to influence the field of gifted education and how these concepts have changed over time: nature and nurture of giftedness, the science and politics of intelligence and creativity, issues and challenges for gifted education, and emerging trends in the education of the gifted. Candidates will explore topics such as inclusion, equity, cultural diversity, learning environments, socio-economic issues, identification and assessment, and decision making/problem solving related to the education of and services for individuals with gifts and talents and their families in both school and society.

The course ensures that candidates (a) know that the NAGC-CEC standards expect teachers of exceptional children to have a professional practice, (b) can explain and reflect on a professional practice, and (c) have identified a plan that will advance their professional practice.  A professional practice includes the following activities/behaviors: (a) using ethical principles to guide decisions, (b) developing an awareness of professional learning needs, (c) understanding the significance of life-long learning, (d) participating in professional activities and learning communities, and (e) advancing the profession by engaging in activities such as advocacy and mentoring. The course requires candidates to complete and document 10 hours of supervised field experiences in an approved setting.    




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