MV4503 Simulation Interoperability Practicum

This course provides students with hands-on experience with the issues around connecting live, virtual, and constructive simulations into a single federation. Students will deepen their understanding of High Level Architecture down to the Federation Object Model and Simulation Object Model level. They will encounter data and timing incompatibility issues, and learn the tools and techniques currently used to resolve them. They will develop a practical understanding of information assurance requirements on simulations and how they can be addressed.



Lecture Hours


Lab Hours



Distro A


Fall Quarter

Course Learning Outcomes

Students will be able to:

  • Analyze and apply the concept of Internet Protocol (IP) Subnetting in order to build a modeling and simulation network to support an interoperable system or federation for testing, training, and evaluation.
  • Employ and configure networking hardware tools to build a modeling and simulation network to support an interoperable system or federation for testing, training, and evaluation.
  • Deploy network analysis software tools to test, evaluate, and troubleshoot the networks they create for various use cases.
  • Understand how the distributed interactive simulation (DIS) protocol is employed within simulations to create interoperable systems for testing, training, and evaluation.  
  • Create DIS packets from raw telemetry data to create an interoperable system that is not DIS compliant.
  • Create an high level architecture (HLA) federation using various run time interfaces (RTIs) to connect HLA compliant simulations for testing, training, and evaluation.
  • Create applications to enable the transfer of simulation data to command and control (C2) systems messaging formats for display on various common operational picture (COP) systems available in the Fleet.
  • Create a large-scale interoperable system or federation based on a conceptual model developed to support a testing, training, and evaluation use case.