DA4840 Irregular Warfare in Europe and the Post-Soviet Space

As part of the regional seminar series, this course examines how a resurgent post-Soviet Russia is using irregular warfare to challenge the rules-based order, with a specific focus on recent activities. The seminar reviews the history of the Soviet Union and Russian irregular warfare techniques. It examines how Putin has used hybrid, non-linear instruments of power to serve his interest. As the threat of expanded armed conflict in this region continues to grow, irregular warfare proficiency will be crucial to the success of the United States' new strategy of strategic competition with peer competitors.

Lecture Hours


Lab Hours


Course Learning Outcomes

  • Have knowledge of the history of the Soviet Union and post-Soviet Russia and its relations with the West
  • Understand the historical dynamics between Russia and its former Soviet satellites, with a specific focus on Ukraine
  • Have knowledge of the rise of Vladimir Putin as President of Russia and how his worldview has changed over time
  • Understand the evolution of Russian foreign policy, military strategy, and domestic policy in the 21st century
  • Understand how Russia utilizes different instruments of power (diplomatic, economic, cyber/information, military (conventional and irregular) in its relations with the West and post-Soviet countries, with a specific focus on Ukraine
  • Critically think about how the United States, its allies, and partners should utilize their instruments of power to counter Russian aggression, with a specific focus on SOF and suggest a path forward