DA4107 Psychological Influence

This course examines a range of both public and covert efforts (hostile and friendly) to achieve influence through information and communication. Drawing from social and political psychological theories and research, we will examine the conditions under which influence in the information environment is most likely to succeed or fail. Prerequisites: None.

Lecture Hours


Lab Hours


Course Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course, students will gain a deeper understanding of individual and group-level vulnerabilities to influence. Doing so will help planners and practitioners begin to (a) recognize adversarial influence attempts and (b) think critically about ways to project influence in support of strategic objectives. Students will also acquire the following educational skill requirements:
  • The Role of Information in Statecraft: Students will understand the role of information and how to apply information forces and informational effects.
  • Information Strategy: Students will understand the role of information in achieving favorable military outcomes during competition, crisis, and conflict.
  • Human Dynamics in Warfare: An advanced understanding of the anthropological, sociological, and psychological aspect of Warfare.
  • Special Operations and Information Warfare: An understanding of the principles and pillars of information warfare and the ways in which SOF can contribute to U.S. information dominance on the 21st century battlefield.