2020-2021 Undergraduate Catalog

Honors Program

The Kean University Honors Program is currently under curriculum revision. The new program will offer highly motivated students a General Education program that incorporates interdisciplinary courses and undergraduate research. The program will provide a unique opportunity to work closely with distinguished faculty and peers and to conduct independent research. Students will have an opportunity for advanced scholarship in a supportive yet challenging academic environment. The online catalog will be updated as the program develops.

Departmental/Program honors courses offer challenge and reward to students who display exceptional ability and motivation. Graduates of Kean Honors have gone on to some of the nation’s most prestigious master’s and doctoral programs. Others have launched successful careers in many fields of endeavor. Consult with your Executive Director or Chairperson regarding the scheduling and availability of honors courses in your area of interest.

Departmental advisors, as listed in this catalog, may be contacted for additional information.