2020-2021 Undergraduate Catalog

Course Numbering System

Courses carrying 1000 and 2000 numbers are lower division offerings, usually appropriate for the freshman and sophomore years of undergraduate study. Courses numbered at the 3000 and 4000 levels are upper division offerings, usually appropriate for the junior and senior years of undergraduate study.

In general, the following course numbering system is applied (X=digit from 0-9):

0XXX Developmental or supplemental level, providing foundations in basic skills, no degree credit granted, credits do not count towards GPA calculation.
1XXX Introductory level, broad-based in nature, prerequisites usually not necessary.
2XXX Intermediate level, the second course in a discipline, one prerequisite sometimes necessary.
3XXX-4XXX Advanced levels, providing greater depth in a more defined area of scholarship, one or more prerequisites generally necessary.
5XXX Graduate level.
6XXX Graduate level.
7XXX Graduate level
8XXX Graduate level