2020-2021 Undergraduate Catalog

Assessment of Experiential Learning

Kean University recognizes that an individual can gain important and life-enhancing knowledge outside the usual structure of regular classroom instruction. Credit can be awarded for prior learning experiences if the individual can demonstrate a level of understanding equivalent to that resulting from traditional coursework and can otherwise meet the degree requirements of the University.

A matriculated student may apply for evaluation of prior learning from life experience at any point after earning 12 credits with a minimum GPA of 2.5 at Kean University but prior to applying for graduation. No credits granted for experiential learning count towards the University residency requirements of a minimum of 32 semester hours (s.h.), including one-half of the major requirements, that must be earned at Kean in order to qualify for the baccalaureate degree.

In order to earn degree credit, experiential learning must be evaluated as corresponding to the major objectives of coursework offered by Kean University. Each academic program determines the extent of experiential learning appropriate to its discipline.

All experiential learning is evaluated on the basis of “credit granted” or “credit not granted.” Only “credit granted” will be recorded on the student’s transcript. Any awarded credit is treated as ungraded but successfully completed credits.

Applications for assessment of experiential learning may be obtained via the following link. https://www.kean.edu/assessment-experiental-learning-program