NS3315 Modern Arab History

This course studies the history of the Arab Middle East from the end of the First World War to the present. It will examine Western engagement in the region and the eventual creation of the current nation-states. The political and social evolution of the region and its relations with the West will be broadly surveyed. Prerequisites: None.

Lecture Hours


Lab Hours


Course Learning Outcomes

At the end of this course students will:

  • be familiar with the trajectory of Middle East history since WWI,
  • assess major drivers of conflict in the region,
  • analyze the role of regional powers in shaping past and current conflicts,
  • be familiar with the major internal and external factors shaping the region’s politics,
  • be familiar with the role that outside powers have played in impacting Middle East’s politics,
  • assess how historical episodes can continue to influence the outlook and behavior of regional states,
  • and gain experience in red-teaming a regional crisis.