SWO 635 Qualitative Data Analysis

This course is designed to introduce students to the elements of the qualitative research data analysis. Qualitative research methods provide a means for researchers "to share in the understandings and perceptions of others and to explore how people structure and give meaning to their daily lives" (Berg, 1998, p.7). In DEDU 653 you were introduced to the historical and philosophical foundations of qualitative research methodology, key research strategies in qualitative research and principles for research design in qualitative research. In this course, SW 635, you will deepen your understanding of these key research notions and develop hands-on understanding of techniques and tools used to conduct this research. This course includes an intensive analysis of the theory and practice of qualitative research, including a review of primary methods such as grounded theory, case study, narrative, phenomenology and an examination of additional methods such as ethnomethodology. Emphasis will be placed upon practice in research design, multiple methods of data collection, and exhaustive data analysis. The class will be a seminar with ample opportunities to discuss the implications of the choices made in designing, implementing and reporting on the findings of an IRB approved study. In order to complete the course, students will need to have access to an audio recorder and transcribe an interview or use a transcription service.




SWO 654 or equivalent or permission of the PhD Program Director