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2024-2025 Graduate Course Catalog
Graduate Courses
SWO - Social Work Online
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Graduate Courses
AST - Africana Studies
BEHV/O- Behavior Analysis
CHL - Children's Lit.
CHSO - College of Health Sciences Online (Nursing)
CHSC-College of Health Sciences Campus (Nursing)
DABA - Doctor of Behavior Analysis
DPT - Doctor of Physical Therapy
ECON - Economics
GCS - Gender Cultural Studies
GEDUC - Grad General Educ
HIST - History
HPED - Health Professions Education
IT - InformationTechnology
LIS - Library Science
LTWR- Literature or Writing
MHEO - Public Health Online
MPP - Public Policy
NURP - Nursing Practice
NURS - Nursing
NUTR - Nutrition
PHIL - Philosophy
POLS - Political Science
RDG - Reading: Lang.& Lit. Program
SOCI - Sociology
SPND - Special Needs Educ
SWO - Social Work Online
SW - Social Work
TESL - Grad Esl Education
WGST - Women's & Gender Studies
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SWO - Social Work Online
SWO 400
Clinical Supervisors
SWO 401
Social Welfare Policy
SWO 403
Social Policy SW in Organizations & Comm
SWO 404
Social Welfare Policy
SWO 409
Dynamics of Racism & Oppression
SWO 411
Human Behavior in the Social Environment
SWO 414
Assessment & Diagnosis
SWO 418
Crisis Intervention W/ Children and Adol
SWO 421A
Social Work Practice I
SWO 421B
Social Work Practice II
SWO 422
Substance Use and Social Work
SWO 424
Advanced Clinical Practice
SWO 425
Capstone Seminar
SWO 438
Alcohol, Drugs, and Social Work Practice
SWO 441
SWO 446A
Field Education I
SWO 446B
Field Education I
SWO 446L
Field Education Lab
SWO 446X
Simulated Field Experience
Field Education II
Field Education II
SWO 455
Human Sexuality and Social Work Practice
SWO 461
Best Practices in Group Work
SWO 462
Adv Group Work W/ Vuln. Pops.
SWO 467
Family Approaches
SWO 472
Evidence-Based Approaches to SW Practice
SWO 475
Narrative Approaches- SW Pract
SWO 478
SW Practice in Health Care
SWO 483
Cognitive Behavioral Approaches &_Treatment
SWO 486
Essential Elements Tele-Health
SWO 509
Program Evaluation in Social Work
SWO 512
Evidence Based Approaches in SW Practice
SWO 523
Advocacy & Social Action
SWO 528
Child and Adolescent Trauma
SWO 528A
Child and Adolescent Trauma
SWO 528B
Lifespan of Trauma Treatment: Adults
SWO 569
Advanced Standing Seminar
SWO 577
Social Work With Groups
SWO 578
Perspectives Severe Mental Ill
SWO 582
Attachment, Neurobio & SW Practice
SWO 590
Advocacy & Social Action
SWO 596
Field Educ. Advanced Standing
SWO 597
Field Educ. ADV Standing II
SWO 598
Field Educ. ADV Standing III
SWO 610
Social and Behavioral Theory
SWO 670
Integrating Public Policy Issues & Outcomes Into SW Research
SWO 624
Intervention Research
SWO 631
Philosophy of Science
SWO 633
Survey Research Methods
SWO 634
Policy Analysis in Political, Social and Economic Contexts
SWO 635
Qualitative Data Analysis
SWO 650
Introduction to Scientific Methods
SWO 651
Intro to Stat & Data Analysis
SWO 652
Introduction to Multivariable Statistics
SWO 654
Qualitative Research Methods
SWO 660
Independent Study
SWO 671
Teaching Methodologies, Course Design, and Assessment
SWO 685A
Integrative Research & Professional Development Seminar
SWO 685B
Integrative Research & Professional Development Seminar
SWO 685C
Integrative Research & Professional Development Seminar
SWO 691
PhD Teaching Practicum
SWO 692
PhD Research Practicum
SWO 701
Transformation, Inspiration, and Inclusion: Social Work Leadership for the Future
SWO 702
The Inner Life of the Adult Learner: Introduction to Theory and Practice
SWO 703
Seminar in Ethics and Social Justice
SWO 704
Deconstruction and Development of Clinical Social Work Knowledge and Practice
SWO 705
Power, Passion, and Social Change
SWO 706
Theories to Advance Practice
SWO 707
The Research-Informed Practitioner
SWO 708
The Fundamentals of Inclusive Course Design and Effective Instruction
SWO 709
Strategies for Decolonized Clinical Supervision & Leadership
SWO 710
Complex Learning Environments
SWO 711
Working With Complex/Diverse Populations
SWO 712
Interdisciplinary Social Work
SWO 713
Adaptive Leadership
SWO 714
Integrative Seminar
SWO 715
Swo Advanced Standing