Course Catalog

DABA 640 Dissemination

The purpose of this course is to teach doctoral students to disseminate behavior analytic research and clinical practice. Students will learn about the publication process, as they write and prepare a manuscript to submit for publication in a peer-reviewed journal. The manuscript may fall into one of the following categories: (1) research article (i.e., data-based empirical study or meta-analysis), (2) a literature review or discussion paper, or (3) a tutorial. Students will also create a PowerPoint presentation that may be used at a professional conference. This is a consent only class. Students must submit their research question for approval one month prior to the start of class. If working on a research article, students must have a completed data set of publishable data – the data must have been collected using acceptable measurement systems, there must be IOA data for at least 25% of all sessions and preferably treatment fidelity data for at least 25% of sessions, and a functional relation must be demonstrated or appropriate statistical analyses must be completed. If the data set is not complete prior to the first day of class, but the research has been approved, data must be completed by week 5 of the course to meet the course deadlines.



